Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Poetry has always fascinated me.  I started writing poetry when I was sixteen and have used it as a medium over the years to vent, to ponder things and to explore my feelings. 

I hope that you find my "ponderings" useful in exploring yours.  We all have different paths in this life, but no matter what our circumstances, our heritage, our backgrounds we all have one thing in common, our humanity.  We all feel...sadness, excitement, loneliness, fear, regrets, hope, longings, desire, confusion, guilt and happiness.  We all experience the same things...rejection, acceptance, trials and contentment.  In this way we all understand each other no matter what barriers there be; language, religious, nationality, geography.

So come "Ponder My Way" with me, you might be surprised!

A Letter To Jesus

Dear Lord Jesus,

The miracles You've done are so awesome to me,
Like the feeding of five thousand by the sea;
The changing of water into wine,
And the casting of demons into swine.
Raising Lazarus from the dead,
And healing the man on the lowered bed.
The multitude of fishes caught in the net,
And healing the blood of the woman you met.
All this shows how great You are,
But the giving of Yourself is greater by far!
For Your love reached out from Calvary,
And gave eternal life to a sinner like me.


I look in the mirror and see reflected back,
The image of me, though much may lack;
And while I try hard to change what I see,
The truth is what's there is really me.

We open the Bible and also see a reflection,
The image of God in all His perfection;
We see His great love on every page,
And read of His mercy through every age.

Dear Lord, I desire your mirror to be,
That folks may see you reflected in me;
That your love will show in all that I do,
Please change my image to be more like You.

The Storm

I am a small ship on the sea of life,
Battered and wrecked am I;
Tossed to and fro on the angry waves,
As hail beats down from the sky.

My sails are torn and I drift along,
Defenseless against the storm;
Terror sets in as fog settles 'round,
I long for some land to take form.

My strength is gone and weak I am,
I long for the morning to see;
Instead my eyes are blinded with tears,
As I struggle from the storm to be free.

The thunder crashes and lightening strikes,
Not much more I can take;
The darkness is thick and my way lost,
Oh, tomorrow I'll never make.

But wait...I feel a hand take mine,
And my ship ceases to toss;
"I'll never leave you" a loving voice says,
"Your way no more is lost".

A Captain that knows the way is here,
He has sailed this sea before;
He steers through the blustering storm,
Straight for that distant Shore.

I no longer despair despite the storm,
For I am safe in this Captains care;
I give Him control of my little ship,
And He gives peace beyond compare.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

I've Learned...#5

...that money can't buy happiness, but it takes the stress out of
   being poor!

...that bitterness corrodes the soul.

...that you never give up, you don't know when the finish line
   will come into view!

...that if everybody waits for somebody then nobody does

...that the surest way to be defeated is to give up.

...that even though I try to live peaceable with all, that goes out
   the window if you attack my children!

...that a disability in the hands of the right person can become
   an ability.

...that a friend can make or break a day.

...that serving others is making a deposit in Heaven's bank, and
   the interest rate is out of this world!

...that I just don't understand people and I get a headache if I try.

...that inactivity is acceptable for two things, recharging your
   batteries and planning your next move.

...that all I need to make me happy is to be happy with me!

...that I won't get people to believe in me if I don't believe in

...that a journey is easier with a friend.

...that in sharing a burden it can be lifted.

...that one of the best abilities we have is to care for another.

...that we can learn from the mistakes of others, and we can love
   despite the mistakes of others.

...that focusing only on the destination robs us of the blessings
   of the journey.

...that if we cease to dream we cease to move forward.

...that I shouldn't believe anyone whose words aren't backed up
   by their actions.

...that dreams without actions become nightmares.

...that if I spend my life regretting what I didn't do, I'll miss the
   chance to accomplish what I can do!

...that nothing makes you feel more useless then not believing
   in yourself.

...that people only have the power over you that you give them!

...that in order to be me, I must be free.

...that the way I choose to deal with conflict shows the depth of
   compassion I possess.

...that the way I view others is directly related to the way I
   preceive they view me.

...that being a friend is the nicest occupation you can have.

...that I've succeeded if I'm the best me I can be.

...that when there's bubble wrap around we all become kids

...that if we wait until we can do things perfectly, nothing will
   get done!

...that trying and failing is not failure, it's learning.

...that we never know what we can do until we have no choice
   but to do it!

...that being right is not as important as being kind!

...that I may not always succeed, but I will always learn.

...that it's better to be happy alone than unhappy in a crowd.

I've Learned...#4

...that when God takes something away, don't argue!

...that those who have the least give the most.

...that if you need to convince someone to stay, it's better to let
   them go.

...that everyone is either a blessing or a lesson.

...that sometimes the most lonely people are those in a crowd.

...that it doesn't matter what your past was, your future is yet

...that true love knows you at your worst.

...that true character is who you are when there's nobody around
   to impress.

...that if you can't accept me for who I am then you don't deserve

...that I can't solve all the problems but I can become an avenue
   of change for them.

...that I'm not to old to dream!

...that when you hit rock bottom start to rebuild.

...that you can't say you love me then fail to prove it.

...that if you compare yourself to others you'll always be

...that if you don't live what you believe, you're living a lie.

...that scars show how hard you've fought.

...that you can't move on to tomorrow if you're still stuck in

...that sometimes I am the only one that can help me.

...that we can't see the stars unless we have some darkness.

...that how we think is usually how we live.

...that the greatest use of your time is to make a difference in
   someones life.

...that where you are loved is your home.

...that in my childrens eyes I find the truest love of all.

...that you can never love too much!

...that sometimes you have to endure a few nightmares to reach
   your dream.

...that you can't enjoy the view without the work of climbing the

...that the more you love the more you can love.

...that a long journey is just one step at a time.

...that my mother was right!

...that the harshest criticism usually comes from within.

...that one day at a time is all I can handle.

...that even when you feel deserted by all, God is holding you in
   His arms.

...that Biblical submission is not attained through threats, but
   through love.

...that when you stop trying to please others you begin to please

...that when the storm winds blow you don't make for shore, you
   adjust your sails and hang on!

...that one of the most destructive things that can't be undone is
   an unkind word.

...that kindness is the one thing that when given away comes

...that this too shall pass.

...that giving up only defeats you.

...that words can kill.

...that you can forgive but you never forget.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

I've Learned...Pt #3

...that perserverance is hope ignited by passion.

...that when someone says that I can't, I'm going to try harder!

...that I don't need to apologize for being me.

...that just because there's a smile on my face, doesn't mean there
   aren't tears in my heart.

...that the way you think is the way you'll live.

...that to arrive you need to leave.

...that if you don't believe in anything, you'll be swayed by

...that just wishing doesn't make it so.

...that we need to be like a tree, firmly rooted but able to bend in
   the storm.

...that when you're in doubt about something, don't!  Your gut
   instinct is kicking in a warning!

...that sometimes is not what you say but what you don't say that
   has the biggest impact.

...that sometimes in only in hindsight that we see how blessed we
   really were.

...that worrying about tomorrow only drains today of its joy.

...that there is always going to be people who think they know
   what's best for you.

...that no matter what you do, you're not going to please

...that a smile is the most beautiful thing you can wear everyday.

...that the easiest road is often the least rewarding.

...that memories can be the fuel to better things.

...that a positive additude can open doors to greater possibilities.

...that enemies disappear when you befriend them.

...that true passion ignites from experience.

...that sometimes what we want is not what we need.

...that the road to success is often paved with tears.

...that the hardest person to forgive is yourself.

...that happiness is sadness turned inside out.

...that if I'm still here there's something still for me to do!

...that trials deepen my faith.

...that I'm not holding on to God, He's holding on to me.

...that you don't truly appreciate something until it's taken away.

...that one misguided word can ruin someones day.

...that your past doesn't have to define your future.

...that when you find it the hardest to trust is when you have to
   trust the hardest.

...that sometimes you really do just need to stop and smell the

I've #2

...that to see and do nothing is worse than ignorance.

...that just because we're on the winning side doesn't mean we'll
   not face hard battles.

...that your true character is revealed more in what you don't do
   then in what you do.

...that passion is ignited by hardship.

...that to try and fail isn't failure, it's a stepping stone to greater

...that wisdom is born from experience not age.

...that in serving others we are serving God.

...that true strength should be measured by our character.

...that letting go is the only way to hold on.

...that true beauty lies not in mans sight but Gods.

...that a mothers love knows no bounds.

...that rain in our lives is necessary for growth.

...that the way to a true mans heart is to be a true lady.

...that the older I get the more I appreciate my mother.

...that I don't have to like to love.

...that being kind is one of the best things you can be.

...that if all you do in a day is encourage one person, it's a day
   well lived.

...that outward beauty does not do justice to inner beauty.

...that trials and problems can produce either bitterness or

...that actions don't justify reactions.

...that we underestimate the impact that a smile or kind word has
   on another.

...that when you try to be who everyone wants you to be, you fail
   to be who you really are.

...that we are blessed far more through giving then receiving.

...that your passions evolve from your experiences, either good
   or bad.

...that if you want a true friend you have to be a true friend.

...that just when I think I can't handle anymore, I can.

...that existing and living are two very different things.

...that just when you think you're down and out the game goes
   into overtime.

...that until you realize you're worth it, nothing will change.

...that the road to success often leads through a lot of swamps.

...that while we prefer the easy road, it's the difficult paths that
   make us stronger.

...that you will never succeed if you're afraid to try.

...that you can wish, and you can hope, but unless you do,
   nothing gets done!

...that yesterday I was in bondage, today I am free, tomorrow
   holds nothing but promise for me!

...that the nicest thing to observe is a man lovingly caring for his
   wife and family.

...that a real family man is an endangered species.

...that it's in the Valley He restoreth my soul!

...that believing I can means nothing if it's not followed by action.

...that however you think is the way you'll live.

...that it's just when you think you can't that you find you can!

...that you don't appreciate freedom until you've lived without it!

...that even though a smile cost nothing to give, it can be the most
   valuable thing received.

...that I can only believe peoples actions, not their words!

...that being me is my only option, so do it well!

...that I'd rather curl up with a good book then dance in the rain!

...that I'd rather live life to its fullest today, then to regret that I
   didn't tomorrow.

I've Learned...

...that laughing is better then crying, you don't get red eyes and a
   stuffed up nose!

...that you'll always remember what you forgot when it's too late!

...that nothing gets accomplished by sitting and wishing it was

...that the sun is always shining above the clouds!

...that nothing gets fixed by just lamenting about it.

...that the harder the lesson the sweeter the victory.

...that the darkest nights are followed by the brightest dawns!

...that disappointment opens the door to success.

...that just because you think so doesn't make it so.

...that the harder the path the more rewarding the destination!

...that you'll never succeed if you don't start.

...that a good idea goes no where if effort isn't applied.

...that its better to say little and regret little then to say much and
   regret much!

...that saying something doesn't make it so.

...that the people in my life either help or hinder, there is no one
   that is neutral.

...that true friends will stick by you even when they know your
   darkest secrets.

...that he who laughs much gets pain in gut!

...that you're never to far gone for God to reach.

...that its not what you do for the world to see that matters.

...that tomorrow always begins with a clean slate.

...that most judgements are based on sight not fact.

...that the path to true happiness is not necessarily the path of
   least resistance.

...that some of the best things in life are the unexpected.

...that courage is not the absence of fear but the presence of hope.

...that fear illuminates the absence of light in our lives.

...that failing is not failure, giving up is.

...that todays crap is usually left-overs of what we mistakenly
   considered yesterdays blessings.

...that children are Gods promise of tomorrow.

...that yesterdays trials give tomorrows problems perspective.

...that you can't control your future, but you can trust the One
   who does.

...that pain produces perspective.

...that humor cushions hardships.

...that to fail is to learn.

...that true treasure is not tangible.

...that laughter is the singing of the heart.

Monday, May 20, 2013

In The Valley He Restoreth My Soul

The path is hard and the way is drear,
Trials and labor have taken their toll;
But through the struggle this I've learned,
It's in the Valley He restoreth my soul.

The storm rages on and my ship goes down,
Caught on some barren shoal;
Though I cannot see in the driving rain,
It's in the Valley He restoreth my soul.

It's the Valley's of life when all seems lost,
When I've lost all sense of control;
My Savior's plans become crystal clear,
It's in the Valley He restoreth my soul.

Friday, May 17, 2013

A Good Monkey's Name

Who wants to claim they're related to us,
When all humans do is fret and fuss;
Fight and gamble, cheat and lie,
And neighbors on each other spy!
The world is filled with wars and strife,
Man thinks its fine to cheat on his wife!
The claim that we from their good line came,
Is a slur against any good monkey's name!
They look at us and know it's not true,
They know that God created all new.
They sigh with relief and go on with life,
And forget they're surrounded with nothing but strife.

Mini Vacations

Mini vacations are the very best
And the easiest ones to take;
You don't need to pack or save for a while,
For this nice trip to make.
All you need is a comfortable place,
Then leave the cares of the day;
And travel to the place in the book you hold,
A place that's a world away.


A duck that's wearing rain boots,
A mouse with chickenpox,
A horse with purple underwear
Or maybe red striped socks!
There is a place in every one's mind,
Where things don't have to be,
The way reality says they must,
It's a place that's totally free!
Free to enter whenever you want,
To leave convention behind;
It's a place a child knows very well,
And has no problem to find!

My Little Helper

She want to know if she can help,
If she can stir the batter;
Or maybe she can crack the eggs,
It doesn't really matter.

She likes to put the flour in,
And see the dust rise up;
She likes to count how many times
I fill the measuring cup.

But the part she likes best of all
Is when the baking is done;
Then she can eat the delicious results,
This is what she finds most fun!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


I must confess I seldom know
What I am doing or where to go!
I see where I am and guess where I was,
But between here and there is only fuzz!
So, as I sit and ponder my inaction,
I have to admit its with little satisfaction;
For I know as soon as I sit to rest,
My memory will return at its very best!

Beneath His Wings

I want to fly like the seagull,
Upon the clouds of the storm,
To float along upon the winds
And above the gale to be borne.

Not to be worried by the storm,
This is how I wish to be;
To trust my way competely
To the One who created me.

So let me watch the seagull
Who soars above the tides;
And put my trust in God's care
For beneath His wings I abide.

The Eye Of Faith

I've never seen my Savior's face,
But my life's been changed by His Grace.
I've never walked a road with Him,
But His blood has washed away my sin.
I've never seen His hands so dear,
But from my heart He's removed all fear.
I've never sat with Him to eat,
But my soul's fed daily with Heavenly meat.
I never saw Him at Calvary,
But my soul by His death has been set free.
I've never seen a smile on His face,
But I've seen all through the eye of faith.

Oh Happy Day

Oh happy day, I'm going home,
My Lord has come at last!
I'll sing, I'll shout, I'll praise His Name,
All cares behind me cast.

Oh happy day, I'm going home,
Heaven's door has opened wide!
Loved ones there I'll meet once more,
Just on the other side.

Oh happy day, I'm going home,
Earth's day of sin has ceased!
I'll walk the streets of gold and know,
The joy of perfect peace.

Oh happy day, I'm going home,
Fear and pain no more I'll know!
For God has promised this and more,
The Bible told me so.

Oh happy day, I'm going home,
At His feet I'll sit and see,
His body that still bears the scar's
Of what He did for me!

Oh happy, I'm going home,
Death has been stamped out!
I'll with the angels sing His praise,
And Hallelujah's loudly shout!

Take My Hand

Psalms 115:15, "Precious in the sight of the Lord
is the death of His saints."

Take my hand kind Heavenly Father
Clasp it tight to Thy bossom of love;
Fear of the Valley now presses closer,
It dims Heaven's light from above.

Take my hand kind Loving Savior,
As the darkness creeps closer around;
The coldness of death now hovers over,
Thy dear face is all to be found.

Take my hand kind Gentle Shepherd,
As this heart begins to slow;
And as my eyes now close forever,
My spirit upward yearns to go.

Take my hand kind Lord of Mercy,
As my last feeble breath I draw.
Break the ties that hold me downward,
Let Your name be all I recall.

Take my hand kind King of Glory,
I now leave this temple of clay;
As this mystery of death is completed,
May all the glory be Thine I pray.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Sail On Bluenose

Written for a Nova Scotia
song writers competition.

Come all ye sailor's and landlubber's too,
To the shores of New Scotland and gaze,
At the schooner that rides the waves with ease,
In the distance her form quickly fades.

So sail on Bluenose, sail on oh dream,
In our heart's eye your masts are still clearly seen;
On the ocean of memories you still glide serene,
So, sail on Bluenose, sail on oh dream.

Upon the high sea's the Bluenose took sail,
Her great speed was to all known around.
She skimmed along on the sparkling waves,
Oh, none else like her could be found.

A dream that sail's on through the mists of time,
Weathering all the storms that she meets;
From the present we now look to the past,
In our heart's your grand image we keep.

God's Grapes

John 15:5

I want to be a grape for my Lord,
To inside His vineyard be;
To cling real tight to the Vine
That lovingly nourishes me.

To soak up all that comes from the "SON",
To become as strong as I can;
So to become the purest juice
That can be squeezed by His kind hand.

To pour out all at my Savior's feet,
Is the prayer that flows from my heart;
Please prune and cut as you see fit,
So impurities will depart.

Make me the purest juice to be found,
The only kind fit for Thee.
Put my life into the wine press,
And squeeze the best out of me.

Asked Of The Lord

Hannah of old did plead with God
To send her a child of her own;
"Oh Lord of Hosts...remember me",
Was whispered when she was alone.
One day in the Temple as she prayed,
Eli, God's servant stood near.
He watched as she knelt and pleaded with God,
Her face streaming with tears.
He came to Hannah and spoke with her,
Then told her to "Go in peace",
For the God of Israel had heard her prayers,
And will answer, so claimed the old priest.
Hannah conceived as Eli had said,
Unto her was born a babe.
"He was asked of the Lord", she exclaimed with joy,
So the name Samuel she lovingly gave.
Now Hannah's heart was full of love
For the little boy she held so dear;
But she took and gave him back to God,
Saying, "His place is in service here".
Samuel was blessed with a Godly mother
Who put the Lord ahead of all things.
She lived a life of obedience to God,
And reaped the rewards surrender brings.
For God blessed her unselfish act
With more children to bring her joy.
This abundant gift of God came from
Her willingness to part with her boy.

A Virtuous Woman

A Virtuous woman the Bible states
Has a price that is far above rubies;
Priceless and rare this special one is,
Her glow is from inner beauty.

The heart of her husband doth safely trust,
The Word of God goes on to say;
And he shall have no need of spoil,
As only good will she do all her days.

Her hands will always work busily,
As she toils both day and night;
She will care for the needs of her home,
And love them with all her might.

She works to clothe and feed her own,
Nothing good she withholds at all;
Her hand also stretches to meet the needs,
Of the poor as she hears their call.

She is wise, kind, honorable and strong,
A woman that is always astir;
Her children arise and call her blessed,
And her husband, he praises her.

Favor is deceitful and beauty is vain,
But this woman that feareth the Lord,
Shall be praised by all that know her,
And will receive a Heavenly reward.

I'm Watching Over You

In the dark of the night
On the storm tossed sea,
Jesus whispers, "I'm with you,
Hold tight unto me.

For I made the winds
And the waves of the deep,
You have no need to fear,
Just close your eyes and sleep.

For I'm watching over you,
I know the reason why;
You need to trust my judgement
And on Me only rely.

My arms are around you,
I'm holding you up;
You're just following my steps,
And drinking from my cup.

These storms are to strengthen,
To show that I'm here,
Know that I'm with you
There's no reason to fear.

For everything there's a season,
This will not last forever,
The end of this long night
Will find you changed for the better.

So hold on to My hand,
And I will see you through;
Trust in My love,
Remember, I died for you."


Ten tiny fingers, ten tiny toes,
A little dimpled chin and cute button nose;
Soft downy air and chubby kicking legs,
These are the things of baby days.

Big happy smile, bright shining eyes,
A scrape on the knee, and the question "why?"
Into this, spilling that, scampering little legs,
These are the things of toddler days.

Skipping here and running there,
A dirty face and messed up hair;
Toys and imagination make up play,
These are the things of childhood days.

A first shave and private thoughts,
A quest for independence fiercely fought;
The maturing of mind and stretch of legs,
These are the things of teenage days.

Quiet composure, intelligent eyes,
A firm manly jaw and well made tie;
The future before with plans well laid,
These are the things of adult days.

Memories and pictures now call from the past,
A reminder of days that sped by to fast;
So love every moment, don't wish them away,
They grow up once, so cherish the days.

Dreamer's Love Garden

One night I dreamed I walked a garden so fair,
With a fragrance so sweet floating on the air;
As I strolled, Heavenly voices cascading I heard,
Singing a refrain that caused my soul to be stirred.

I followed the song till I came to a place,
Earth's horizon blending with Heaven's outer gates;
And amid the soft glow from a deep yellow hue,
The tiny buds sang out, as if on cue.

Their singing soon ended and I spied a small can,
Then the job of watering those buds began;
From the spout came devotion, sharing and care,
And the buds opened fully in a radience rare.

In the dawn's early light, I awoke to find,
The scene from my dream faintly in my mind;
At my window I stopped and bent down to see,
The yellow of roses looking back up at me.

Flowers from buds, they'd matured overnight,
I gazed at the roses, their color so bright;
In my mind there formed a song so sweet,
The song of my dreams I'd heard the bud's repeat.

They sang, "Seedling to bud's, that was our start,
Now roots have grown deep into our hearts;
Delicate stems are binding our souls,
As a life-time together gently unfolds."

Blessed Be The Marriage

Blessed be the marriage
Where God is the head,
Where daily fellowship happens
With Christ, the Living Bread.

Blessed be the marriage
Where "self" is placed last,
True peace will abound,
With "I first" in the past.

Blessed be the marriage
Where humor has a place,
For both smiles and laughter
The hard times help chase.

Blessed be the marriage
To where children have come,
They are an "Heritage of the Lord"
From whom good things are from.

Blessed be the marriage
Where each knows how to forgive,
Holding bitterness and grudges
Is not how God wants us to live.

Blessed be the marriage
That gives God all the glory,
For its only by His grace
That there is a love story!

Blessed be the marriage
Where three have become one,
For that is a union
Which includes God's dear Son.

The Way

Above the clouds of doubt,
My Lord has planned the way;
And while I live in the dark,
He's in the light of day.

He can see the end,
Of this thorny path I trod;
He has planned the way,
For He is the mighty God.

So I'll trust Him through each day,
When the way I cannot see;
For my Lord has planned it all.
Straight through to eternity.

See The Son

See the SON in the beginning,
As with the Father all was made;
See the SON in the manger,
As a tiny babe He was laid.
See the SON at the Temple,
Being about His Father's will;
See the SON as He's baptized,
Prophecy fulfilled.
See the SON in the Garden,
Sweating great drops of blood;
See the SON as He's betrayed,
By one whom He loved.
See the SON cruelly whipped,
His back raw and bleeding;
See the SON with a crown of thorn's
His followers quickly fleeing.
See the SON on the rugged cross,
Hanging in sorrow and pain;
See the SON give up the Ghost,
As daylight slowly wanes.
See the SON lifted down,
Taken from Golgothas's Hill;
See the SON laid to rest,
Without any funeral frill.
See the SON as He arose,
That first day of the week;
See the SON as Mary came,
Her Lord's body to seek.
See the SON as He appeared,
Inside that upper room;
See the SON as Thomas knelt,
Belief chasing away the gloom.
See the SON as He ascended,
To the Courts of Heaven above;
See the SON at God's right hand,
Interceding for those He loves.
See the SON as He returns,
In power and victory to reign;
See the SON through eternity,
As we glorify His matchless Name!